
Love Is Blind star Marshall Glaze is explaining why he never felt Josh Demas was a threat to his relationship during his engagement to Jackie Bonds.

In an interview with Nick Viall on the Bachelor alum’s podcast, The Nick Viall Files, Marshall took exception to Viall saying Josh was a “threat.”

“A threat? I don’t know that that’s the right word for it,” Marshall said. “I wouldn’t call it a threat.”

Viall, who admitted he didn’t think Marshall would end up with Jackie in the end because they weren’t compatible, later clarified that Josh was more of a threat to the relationship. Marshall agreed to that characterization and said that was “very evident” and concedes now that Josh and Jackie had a connection and is happy for them. But despite them ending up together, he’s explained why he never saw Josh as a threat to the relationship.

“It’s funny because when we got back from Mexico and we were sequestered before going to the shared living space, we got our phones back,” Marshall said. “And we were able to see everyone’s Instagram and all that stuff. She was looking through Josh’s stuff and she was just like, ‘Ew, ew, ew.’ I was like, ‘OK, she doesn’t find him attractive. Done deal. Good to move forward.'”

But then Chelsea’s birthday party happened, which was documented in season 4 of the hit Netflix show. Josh ultimately made an appearance, much to everyone’s surprise.

“Then he pulls up to Chelsea’s birthday party. I honestly had forgotten about Josh at that point because we had been in no communication,” said Marshall, who revealed he’s dating but is not ready to go public with whom. “We hadn’t gone out all together. I was so focused on Jackie that nothing else mattered. So, when he showed up I was like, ‘Oh, I see what’s happening here. This is gonna be some drama.’ And it was.”

Josh, who during the Love Is Blindlive reunion admitted that cutting weight for a competition coupled with not eating beforehand led to him getting very tipsy after a few drinks, would go on to shoot his shot with Jackie in front of Marshall.

“I saw them having a conversation. I didn’t feel threatened by him then because I knew that he was drunk and he was going to say some stuff,” Marshall said. “Do your thing, bro. And at that point, we were almost out the door. So, that’s why I said, ‘If you can take her from me, you can have her.’ And so I’m glad that they’re happy together now.”

Jackie and Josh didn’t appear on set at the live reunion, but they did agree to a Zoom interview with host Vanessa Lachey, who grilled Jackie about how her relationship with Marshall imploded. Jackie was also asked about her coffee meet-up with Josh. She had previously sought to set the record straight on the timeline of when that meet-up happened, saying, “Marshall and I were broken up before I saw Josh at the coffee shop.” Jackie felt she had to clarify things after the episode’s editing made it seem as though the meet-up happened on the same day Marshall and the rest of the guys were at their tux-fitting appointment. The women were also buying their wedding dresses that day, an appointment Jackie did not attend.

As for the timeline of the much talked-about coffee meet-up, Marshall says he has his own theory.

“My theory was that Chelsea’s party was on a Wednesday, the tux fitting and the dress shopping was on a Friday, and I had a theory that they met that Thursday because we were supposed to film on Thursday but she skated,” he explained. “She said that she had to go and see her dad in the hospital (Jackie’s dad has cancer). He had fell and hit his head. And I was, ‘Oh, shoot. Yeah, go do your thing.’ But then later on I’m like, ‘Oh, well, you came in the house. Didn’t say anything to anybody. OK, cool. You go upstairs and you grab makeup and hair gel and a brush. OK, cool. But you’re gonna go see your dad in the hospital?’ I hope he’s OK, and I pray that that’s not a lie.”

Marshall concedes that he knows “for a fact” that Jackie’s coffee date with Josh happened “the day after the tux and dress fitting.”

“For a fact, 100 percent,” he said.

After Marshall’s episode dropped, Jackie took to Instagram and re-posted the video as vindication that the date happened after they broke up. She said she understands that moving on to Josh “was a quick transition from one relationship to another but this relationship did not start as most do in the real world.”

Jackie thanked Marshall “for taking accountability the derogatory comment that was made off camera.” During the live reunion, Marshall denied using a “derogatory term” to describe Jackie, saying such a word was not in his vocabulary.

Marshall claimed that Jackie had been “calling me out for my sexual preferences,” noting, “I felt like it was my turn to make a jab. I said, ‘You know, you got a strong jawline. You coulda been a man for all I know.’… She took very clear offense to it. We were just learning each other. We don’t really know what each other’s triggers are. I thought it was a safe space because she’s coming at me, calling me out for my sexual preferences… I did not say a specific term. I did not use a derogatory word, no.”

In leaked text messages to friends, Jackie insinuated Marshall may be gay. She has now apologized saying she takes accountability “for my disparaging remarks as well in those leaked messages. It was tasteless and disrespectful to speak about anyone that way.”


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